Nicola PerryCounselling & Supervision in Weston Super Mare
and North Somerset



FAQ & Fees. room3

What can I expect when I come to counselling?

I offer a free 15-minute phone call to help you decide if I’m the right counsellor for you, with no obligation to book a session.

If you do decide you’d like to go ahead, then in our first session we will find out more about:

  • Your reasons for coming to counselling
  • How I work and can help you, and how we can best work together
  • What you are hoping to gain from coming to counselling
  • Confidentiality
  • Some of the problems which have been causing you distress



It is also important for you to ask any questions of your own, and you may want to think about these before we meet. Writing them down beforehand can sometimes be helpful.

Payment and Cancellations?

All sessions must be paid 24 hours inadvance of the session. Sessions with less than 48 hours notice will be charged at the full sessional rate.



Individual Counselling Fees. Inc telephone and online.

50-minute ongoing weekday and evening sessions - £50.00

Couples Counselling Fees

60-minute sessions - £65.00


Supervision Fees


Individual Supervision

60 minutes - £55.00

90 minutes - £70.00

Student Rate

60 minutes - £50.00 only available if you are having fortnightly sessions.

90 minutes - £65.00

Group Supervision

90 minutes - £30.00 per participant


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